
Sunday, April 21, 2019




-> We all know that Gmail is the most popular and most used mail service in the world. recently, Google announced that there are 1.4 billion active Gmail users worldwide in the year 2018. and this year's April month's Gmail has celebrates its 15th birthday . we all use the Gmail service as a private and business mail services. But we all have an query ? " your Gmail safe from hackers! ", even have another question"how am i able to secure my Gmail account  " .don't worry, here i am help you "How to secure your Gmail account " . so keep follow my steps very carefully. and secure your Gmail account from hacker .

How to secure your Gmail account :

-> we all know that Gmail is Google 's app. So if we can protect our Google account, then we can easily secure our Gmail account and other Google products. Because most settings and steps are included in the Google account. Below you will find some best tips and tricks for securing your Google account. Each one is free, and easily configured

  •   Set a ' STRONG PASSWORD ' :

-> when you create or modification password a Google (Gmail) account , you need to be set an strong password . when selecting a password, there are some things you should be doing .

At first choose unique password for your Google  account.

Next step :  do not use short password, like ' xyz123 '. every time should be use an extended password, like ' GgfKjghj1350 ' .

Next step is , in this password's don't use your name/title, date of birth, mobile number or any personal information etc. like ' user14021994 '.

when you set password, must be use both lowercase and uppercase .

another step is : this step is very important and very effective for secure your Gmail account. when you set a password , you should be use many numbers and special characters. for example- ' @fdhxe%0#37& '

  • Don't access your Google account over an ' 

-> Every time you must be accessed your Google (Gmail) account in your personal device or secure network. Don’t access your Google account over an unsecured device . if you used over an unsecured devices or unsecured network like - cyber cafe, shop, or any unknown person's computers , you must be Logout Google  account , and delete the clear browser history .

  • Enable ' 2 STEP VERIFICATION ' :

-> Google  offers you  ' 2 step verification feature ' . after login the Google  account( including Gmail , YouTube , blogger , etc. ) , after put the Gmail  address and password . then Google  will send you an SMS with special code on your register mobile number . after fill-up the code you will finally log-in in your Google  account .

How to enable ' 2 step verification ' :

At first Log-in your Gmail  account . then click -> ' Security Option ' ( which is located left side on the screen ) .

After click the security option, click on ' 2 step Verification Option '  (that is show in under the Signing in to Google  tab ) .

After click the 2 step verification option , click on ' Get Started ' Option  ( which is show bottom on the screen ) . also you can learn the more details about 2 step verification which is available there .

After click the get started option , display a pop-up "You are using your phone to sign in "  then click on ' OK ' option .

After that , ' again you will re-enter your password (Google  account password) ' and click on  ' Next ' option .

Then , you can see  "Don't want to use Google  Prompt? " text (generally this text show bottom on the screen ) under the text you can see an option , that is "Choose Another Option"

After that , click on ' Text message or voice call ' option .

Next , you can see an option "What phone number do you want to use? " under the text you can see an option where you fill up a Mobile Number  (The number in which you want a special code)
then choose option to get a code - "Text message or Phone call". then click on 'Next' option.

After that, To confirm this work Google  will send you a code on your mobile number. After getting the code , ' Enter the code ' and click on ' Next ' option.

Last step is click on  ' Turn-On ' option .

thereafter " 2 Step Verification "  is successfully Turn on .

  • Use your phone to Sign In :

-> Google  have a smart feature, that is "USE YOUR PHONE TO SIGN IN" . in this feature helps you to secure your Gmail  address. when you sign in a new devices, get a prompt from Google  on your phone. every sign in Google  want  signing approval from your phone .

How to enable ' Use your phone to sign in '  :

At first log-in your Gmail  account . then click on ' Security ' option ( which is located left side on the screen ) .

After click the security option, click on " Use Your Phone To Sign In " (that is show in under the Signing in to Google  tab ) .

After that ,  click on "Set It Up" option (which is show top on the screen ) . also you can read more details about ' Use your phone to sign in ' .

After click on set it up option , again you will Re-enter your password (Google  account password) and click on ' Next 'option .

Then, choose your phone (in this phone , must be sign in the Google  account) and also phone have 'Screen Lock' .

Next , ' Reconfirm the Google  Account '.

After confirm the Google  account, get a prompt from Google  on your phone.  turn on the phone screen then put your phone's Screen lock then you can see an prompt . then click on ' yes ' option .

final step , click on ' Turn-On ' option .

thereafter " Use your phone to sign in"  is successfully Turn on .


-> This feature helps you , if your register Mobile number is lost or damage or email id is blocked. if you already add recovery phone number, or email id , that time it's help you to use the Google  account without any problem .  

  • check up your  ' Google Account's  Signed in Activities ' :

-> My personal recommendation , regularly check up your Google signed in activities . where you can check how many devices are signed-in , also check which browser, location, date and time many more.

* Gmail have an feature that is spam folder . in this folder you can check the spam mails . and if you see any unknown spam mail , delete this mail .

Conclusion :
Friends, if you successfully complete these steps, then I'm sure that you can secure your Gmail more easily.


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