
Wednesday, June 3, 2020

WHAT IS SEO? Search Engine Optimization

WHAT IS SEO?  Search Engine Optimization


If you have a website, but you not getting traffic or visitors. or if you have a youtube channel but not getting views . in this article i will talk about How SEO helps your website get a lot of visitors. i know you have lots of questions about SEO. just like, what is SEO, how to apply in my website or youtube channel or how to learn SEO from home, or how much money want to pay to learn SEO etc.

so don't worry, in this article i will help you to eliminate all confusion related to SEO.


SEO stands for Search engine optimization. suppose you have a website or blog and you have  posted a article but how to spend this article all over the world ? world means, all over the internet .

There are three ways to do this :-

  • 1st steps is Social Media Share :

Post in Facebook group or WhatsApp group. and share a lot after the posted , It will not get more than 500-1000 visitors. And it's not clear if those visitors will come to your website in the future.

  • 2nd steps is Ad Campaign :

Advertising means advertising your post on any other major platform. just like facebook ad , google ad,twiter ad,bing ad etc. but there is a problem that is you have to spend a lot of money for it. If you are a small beginner or individuals you can't do this process.

  • 3rd step is Organic Search :

This is the best method to get free millions of traffic in your website or youtube channel. suppose you want to search anything in internet for ex. 'what is seo' Then you go to Google or any other search engine and search for that keyword. This time Google's responsibility is to show a list of all the websites on that keyword. How does Google create this list? Your website needs to be optimized in search engines in such a way that search can come first.  so that visitors from all over the world come to your website.


we can divide Seo in two steps, like on page SEO and Off page SEO .

  • 1. ON PAGE SEO :

There are many parts to on-page seo:

  • Keywords :

before do SEO you must be know what is keyword ?

The keyword is that when we do a search on Google, Google shows a list related to that search. That is the keyword.

First of all you need to find the right keywords for your website or website post. how to find the right keyword?

suppose if you search 'what is SEO',  you will see the also some related keywords in search bar which is  suggested by google. also you can see some related suggested keyword in google footer page . so this very essay process to find out the keywords. but this the basic technic. now lots of keyword research tool available on internet they have much more advanced feature to find out the most appropriate keyword for you. for ex. Ahrefs,SEMrush,Ubersuggest, Keyword Planner tool etc. but all are not free maximum is paid tool and some of them is free.

You have a lot of keywords, but you need to find the right keywords so that you can rank on Google with that keyword and you can get millions of traffic.

suppose monthly search of one keyword is 100 and monthly search of another keyword is 1000. So we will search for 1000 search keywords instead of any search for 100 search keywords. for this we will use various keyword research tools. But we need to keep in mind that data from keyword research tools is not 100% accurate. approximately 90-95 % accurate.

Using this process we can find the right keywords.

Contents :

No matter how much seo we do or create a lot of backlinks, content is the king of your website.

From a seo point of view, the first thing to keep in mind before writing any content. That is, what is the title and URL of the content you are writing? Suppose you are writing an article on seo, SEO is your main keyword.

SEO keywords must be used between your article URL and title and the URL should be short, simple, user friendly so that it is easy to remember and Google should accept it. For example:
URL : www.

www. definition-of-seo

You have to write the title, meta description, description and content using that keyword like URL. Also, your article should be at least 300 words long. There are also a few more things to keep in mind when it comes to on-page seo: -
You need to correct the title,
Meta description, description of each post.

In addition to the various posts, you need to create about us, privacy policy, disclaimer, terms and conditions, contact us pages. (These pages make your website look professional).

You need to fix all the URLs in your website. Make sure all URLs work properly without broken links

Make sure, there is no HTML coding glitch in your website, if there is a problem with the coding then Google will lower the rank of your website.

With these processes you need to remember that the size of the image you use on the website should not be too large and that the file name of the image should contain your keywords and must use ALT text after using the image.

These processes are also called on page seo.


The biggest thing in off page seo is link building. link building means suppose you have a website and your friend or relative also have a website. If I put a link to his website in the footer of my website or in a post on my website, your friend also gives a link to my website on his website. This process is called link building.
Following this process will create a lot of backlinks for your website and increase the DA -PA of your website. But one thing to keep in mind that is almost all backlinks have to be taken from high authority websites.
(for Examples which websites have DA,PA high, SS score is less 5%) . As many big websites as there are, everyone is following this process If you also follow this process, your rank will increase.

  • What To Do To Rank A Website ?

First of all convert your website from http to https.

after convert https it's time to reduce the loading time of your website.

After load time you need to see if there are any error pages on your website! If there are error pages then they need to be fixed.

You need to keep an eye on the bounce rate of your website, visitors come to your website less than 5-10 sec and goes back, it may mean that there is nothing on your website or there is no content in the mind of the user or shows lots of pop-up ads.


SEO For each search engine we have to follow a different process. At the same time you have to decide which keywords of your website should be rank in which search engine. There are a lot of people and agencies all over the world, they want money from you and they say that we will rank your website on a specific keyword in a search engine. However You can do it yourself without giving them money. For that you have to follow the above steps. but one thing remember rank is not so easy because all the websites in the world, they are competing with each other to rank website. maybe Google will change its algorithm. then this process may not work.


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