TOP 10 COMPUTER MISTAKES USER MAKE Suman Computer World November 03, 2019 TOP 10 COMPUTER MISTAKES USER MAKE H ello ! friends in this article i discuss about the Top 10 computer mistake , Which each comput... Continue Reading
WHAT IS MOTHERBOARD Suman Computer World August 13, 2019 WHAT IS MOTHERBOARD M otherboard is the Main circuit board in Any electronics gadgets, where each and every components are connected... Continue Reading
WHAT IS A FILE SYSTEM Suman Computer World June 11, 2019 WHAT IS A FILE SYSTEM I f you are a tech guy or familiar with computer So you've heard the NTFS, FAT, but you have some question... Continue Reading
WHAT IS COMPUTER Suman Computer World May 30, 2019 WHAT IS COMPUTER H ello friends! today lots of famous websites are available in internet which is provide you many more informatio... Continue Reading
MICROPROCESSOR Suman Computer World March 24, 2019 MICROPROCESSOR I n this article i discuss about MICROPROCESSOR , What Is Microprocessor , Parts Of CPU such as ALU, REGISTER ARRAY, CO... Continue Reading
WHAT IS BOOTING Suman Computer World March 05, 2019 WHAT IS BOOTING I f you have a smart phone or computer or if you are a tech guy, then know or heard about booting. And to find mo... Continue Reading
OPERATING SYSTEM Suman Computer World January 15, 2019 O PERATING SYSTEM In this article i discussed about what is Operating system , Function Of Operating System , types of Operati... Continue Reading