
Saturday, February 9, 2019





-> The IP address also known as internet  protocol address. an IP address  is a numeric identifier assign to each machine on an IP network. It is a 4bit address in IPV4 system . IPV6 is 128bit address.

EX. of IPV4 IP address is :
EX. of IPV6 IP address is : 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334

Types of IP ADDRESS :- 

These IP addresses are divided into Two main types: Static and Dynamic IP address.

Static IP Address :-

The static ip addresses are those types of internet protocol address that never change once they are appointed to a device on a network. . Static IP addresses are mostly used by web, email and internet server, website , etc. this types of IP address are very costly but could have a high security risk. 

Dynamic IP Address :-

Dynamic IP Address also know as DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ) . dynamic ip address centralized and management the allocation of TCP/IP configuration information by
automatically assigning to IP address  to computers configured to used DHCP . Dynamic IP address is based on DHCP server.


  • Class A IP address class :-

class  A IP address assigned to networks with a very large number of host. The high order  bit in the class A network is always set to ‘0’ ,next  7 bit complete the network id . the reaming 24 bits represents the host id . the first bit of a class A  IP address can be range from 1-127.

  •  Class B IP address class :-

Class B IP address are assigned to medium size to large size network. The 2 high order bits  in a class B network are always set to binary ‘10’ . the next 14 bit complete the network ID . the  reaming 16 bit represents the host id . the first bit of a Class B IP address can be range from 128-191 .

  • Class C IP address class :-

Class C networks are used for small local area network(LAN) . the 3 high order bits in a class C network are always set to binary ‘ 110’ . the next 21 bit complete  the network ID. The reaming 8bit represent the host ID. The first bit of class C IP address can be range from 192-223 .

  • Class D IP address class :-

Class D ip address are used for multi casting for a number of host. The 4 high order bits  are always set to binary ’1110’. The reaming bits represent the host ID. The first bit of the  class D IP address can be   range from 224-239.

  • Class E IP address class :-

Class E  IP address is an experimental address , that is reserved for future  use. The high order bits on the class E IP address are always set to binary ‘1111’ . the first bit  of class E IP address can be range from 240-254.

What is Private ip Address ? 

-> An IP address is consider private, if the IP number falls within one of the IP address ranges reserved for private uses by internet stander group .this private IP address ranges exist for :-
Class A :- –
Class B :- –
Class c :- –
Private IP address are typically used on a LAN , including home , school, business lan .

What is Public IP address ? 

-> An IP address is consider public if the IP number is falls outside any of the IP address ranges , reserved for  private uses by internet stander group.  The public IP address are used by internet server including those for website, and DNS servers, network routers or any computer directly connect to the internet via modem. Each public IP address  assign to a public range IP address. 

What is Reserved IP address ?

->  It’s trends to belongs 3 categories  :- 

No 1 :- Address global unique .
No 2 :- Address that are unique to the subnet.
No 3 :- Address that are only relevant to the host.
Reserved IP address used for future use  .

How To Configure IP Address:-

1. Click Start Menu -> Control Panel -> Network and Sharing Center.

Or  drag the mouse pointer  on Network Symbol icon in system tray and right click on it. and  click Open Network and Sharing Center option .

2. after open the  Network and Sharing Center  window, then click on Change adapter settings .
Or simply type ncpa.cpl in run dialoged box .  

3. Right-click on -> 'Local Area Connection' then click "Properties".

4. Select Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click -> Properties.

5. Select "Use the following IP address" and enter  the IP address, Default Gateway ,Subnet Mask and preferred DNS server.

6. Click OK and close the Local Area Connection properties window.


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